Myfuturesonline.com LLC’s
Privacy Policy
Dear Client:
Please review Myfuturesonline.com LLC’s current privacy policy.
Myfuturesonline.com L.L.C. ("MFO") is committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy and reliability of any personal information you choose to provide and to safeguarding such information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. This privacy policy statement is provided to you on behalf of MFO and addresses the company’s data collection, use and disclosure practices. This privacy policy may change from time to time and you will receive written notification of any such changes.
Personal information MFO collects and the reason why MFO collects information are to create and foster ongoing customer relationships. In the normal course of this process, MFO obtains and retains non-public (personal) information about you, which is transmitted to us directly by you. This information includes your name, address, tax identification number, approximate age and investment experience, trading history, account balances and other similar information. In addition, the Futures Commission Merchant (“FCM”) may obtain information about you from MFO’s affiliates, credit reporting services, regulatory information providers and similar entities. MFO limits such information to such facts as are necessary to offer accurate and superior service in the normal course of business as it relates to your investment carried with MFO.
Use of Personal Information
MFO uses your personal information for two general purposes:
First, MFO uses the information to activate an investment for you and/or to make
changes or additions to information previously provided to us to make an investment for you.
Second, MFO uses the information in the normal course of business to transmit account activity statements and related documents to you relating to activity in your investment with MFO.
Disclosure of Personal Information
MFO takes very seriously their responsibilities to keep your personal information private. MFO will not disclose non-public personal information about its customers unless as permitted by law and in the following instances:
I. In processing or servicing of products or services offered by MFO that have been consented to, requested by or authorized by the customer.
II. MFO may share your personal information as is necessary to conduct credit history checks, process or collect payments, or to service your account.
MFO may be required to disclose personal information by law or legal process for a
variety of reasons, including protecting and defending the rights or property of MFO and periodically reporting trading gains or losses as required by the Internal Revenue Service. MFO may also be required to disclose personal information to the regulatory bodies whose jurisdiction we are subject to.
IV. Except under the circumstances described above, MFO will not disclose any of your personal information to unaffiliated third parties, unless specifically authorized by you in writing to do so.
The confidentiality and conditions of this agreement will continue to be maintained even when you cease to do business with MFO.
How MFO Protects Personal Information
MFO takes reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access through the use of physical security, and use and access policies for employees. MFO safeguards customer information from unauthorized access by limiting the number of employees permitted to access such information through personalized staff passwords, securely locked paper documents and by having in place a process for disciplinary action where appropriate.
Information Sharing with Affiliates of the Companies
By law we are permitted to share information with our affiliates and subsidiaries related to our transactions and experiences with you, it is the policy of MFO to limit such information to such facts as are necessary to offer accurate and superior service in the normal course of business as it relates to your investment carried with MFO.
Children Under Thirteen
MFO does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen. If you are under the age of thirteen, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.
Opt-Out & Unsubscribe
We respect your privacy and give you an opportunity to opt-out of receiving announcements of certain information. Users may opt-out of receiving any or all communications from MFO and/or its affiliates by contacting us here:
webpage: www.MyfuturesonlineLLC.com
141 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 4106
Chicago, IL 60604
Accuracy of Personal Information
On an ongoing basis MFO evaluates our efforts to protect your personal information and ensure its accuracy. Should you identify any inaccuracy in the personal information included in any communication you receive from MFO, please notify MFO immediately at 888-942-7829/312-726-0500. MFO will take reasonable steps to ensure it is corrected on a timely basis.
Effective May 18, 2018